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Early diagnosis of hip joint laxity

Dr. Ana Santana, teacher at the Universidade Lusófona's Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, in Lisbon, is doing her PhD research on the early diagnosis of joint laxity that predisposes to hip dysplasia. The exams, in two stages (the first between 4 and 12 months of age, the second at 18th months) are free for all Portuguese breed dogs that are registered with the Portuguese Kennel Club.

Genetic basis for hip dysplasia

Prof. Mário Ginja's PhD research about hip dysplasia in the Estrela Mountain Dog, performed between 2002 and 2007, brought invaluable information for breeders to try and reduce the icidence of the disease in their breeding projects. A molecular study of the disease could be the next step. 

Genetic evaluation of hip dysplasia on the Estrela Mountain Dog

MA research by Dr. Alexandre Manuel Cadavez Gouveia Coxo, UTAD 2012.


Avaliação genética para a displasia da anca na raça Cão da Serra da Estrela (in Portuguese only)

Hip dysplasia and movement of the Estrela Mountain Dog

Research team project about kinematic and kinetic variables that characterize movement of dogs with HD, so to detect those apparently asymptomatic.


Influência da displasia da anca no movimento característico da raça Cão da Serra da Estrela (in Portuguese only)

Plantar pressure on the movement of the Estrela Mountain Dog

Researcher team project presented on the 4th National Congress of Biomecanics, 2011.


Padrões de referência da pressão plantar no movimento do Cão da Serra da Estrela (in Portuguese only)

Research about elbow dysplasia on the Estrela Mountain Dog

"Prevalence and breeding values of elbow dysplasia in the Estrela Mountain Dog", artigo de S. Alves-Pimenta, B. Colaço, A.M. Silvestre e M.M. Ginja sobre a incidência da displasia do cotovelo do Cão da Serra da Estrela, publicado em 2013 na revista Veterinarni Medicina. 

Dilated Cardiomyopathy in the Estrela Mountain Dog

Between 2005 and 2011, Prof. Luís Lima Lobo, of the Hospital Veterinário do Porto, developped a research about this disease in the Estrela as the subject of his PhD project. The dissertation is available in this link (partly in Portuguese, partly in English):

Eletrocardiographic changes in the Estrela Mountain Dog

Hematology values in the Estrela Mountain Dog

Portuguese cattle dog breeds

MA dissertation on animal production by Dra. Carla Cruz, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária/ Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, 2007.


As raças portuguesas de cães de gado e de pastoreio - aspectos biológicos e comportamentais (in Portuguese only)

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